segunda-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2017

2017-02-06: A versão do Let it Be... Russa?

Com vídeo para esta versão de 1976 e alguma história da sua origem e tradução da letra para Russo:

"The 2000 WGBH miniseries Communism: The Promise and the Reality features a brief clip of this mysterious video, although unfortunately not much information about it is supplied. It pops up in “People Power,” the final part of the six-part series, about 14 minutes in (you can check it out below). After discussing the strong demand in the USSR for banned western goods such as blue jeans, the voiceover says, “But occasionally the authorities made an effort to cater to the tastes of the new generation….” and we get to see the start of the video. They translate the opening lines thus:

Everything’s happened before in the world
 People are always the same
 That’s how it was, it is, and always will be

 Apparently the religiously tinged references to “Mother Mary” were also expunged, which can’t be too surprising"

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