segunda-feira, 19 de junho de 2017

2017-06-18: PM aos 75 (Time, Life)

Artigo da Time sobre os 75 anos de PM. E na capa da Life (foto no artigo abaixo):

Paul McCartney: Legendary Beatles Member Turns 75 |


"There’s a curious sensation to realizing that Paul McCartney — the lad of lads, the Beatles precocious imp, Fab Macca Wacky Thumbs Aloft — is turning 75 years old. Though it may be odder still to imagine a world without him. For more than 50 of those years he has not been simply Paul McCartney (or, since 1997, Sir Paul) but a Beatle, a known phenomenon in all hemispheres, a star of absurd magnitude, and, soon after, a man of absurd wealth. The Beatles last played before a paying audience in 1966. The band recorded together for the final time in ’69.

And for everything that McCartney has accomplished since — the 12 Grammy nominations; the six No. 1 hits with the Wings in the 1970s; the platinum chart-toppers with Michael Jackson and Stevie Wonder in the 1980s; the jaunt into classical composition; performing at Buckingham Palace; his 2015 recording (hey there, kids) with Kanye and Rihanna — a Beatle he will always be, defined by those prolific, god-given, glorious years of the Fab Four’s prime. Paul wrote “Yesterday” when he was 22."

E o artigo da wikipedia (EN) sobre este mito vivo ;) :

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