quarta-feira, 19 de julho de 2017

2017-07-20: Sobre o WDWDIITR


"As McCartney explained when – understandably – interviewers wondered why anyone would ever write a song like that, perhaps there is something admirable in the straightforward way the monkey goes about its business. “That’s how simple the act of procreation is, that bloody monkey hopping on and hopping off,” he said. “Why Don’t We Do It In The Road? could have applied to either fucking or shitting, to put it roughly. Why don’t we do either of them in the road?”

Had someone failed to give him a satisfactory reason as to why both of those things were unacceptable, McCartney would presumably have cut a rather different figure in his old age, breathlessly making love and openly defecating on the M4. But we only have time to tackle the first of McCartney’s two gripes here, and it’s an important one: why aren’t more of us enthusiastically banging in the street?"

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