segunda-feira, 19 de novembro de 2018

2018-11: Um relato dos Beatles na India

Em primeira mão... As cerca de 40 canções compostas lá deram origem ao White Album (e a muitas canções editadas mais tarde a solo por cada um dos Beatles - Jealous Guy, Not Guilty, etc.):

"IN 1968 the shockwaves from the Beatles trip to India to visit Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the founder of transcendental meditation, reverberated around the world. The Fab Four were not the only celebrities to make the trip to the sparsely constructed ashram overlooking the River Ganges. Actress Mia Farrow, Beach Boy Mike Love and folk singer Donovan also attended but the Beatles were far and away the most famous."
"Maharishi asked George to tell Deepak the real story and he revealed the Beatles were asked to leave because members of their party were using drugs and alcohol.

The topic turned to the Beatles' Ed Sullivan Show appearance, during which no crime was reported in the USA.

Maharishi exclaimed, "When I heard this, I knew the Beatles were angels on Earth... It doesn't matter what John said or did, I could never be upset with angels." George then broke down and wept.

Later, George phoned Deepak and said: "A huge karmic baggage has been lifted from me, because I didn't want to lie.""

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