sábado, 2 de fevereiro de 2019

2019-02: As discussões em Let it be


"We'll be faced with a crisis,' Paul frets.

'When I'm up against the wall, Paul, you'll find me at my best. I think I've got Sunday off,' says John.

'I hope you can deliver.'

'I hope was a little rock and roller, Sammy with his mammy,' mocks John, falling into word play.

There was nothing more that Paul could say.

'I think we've been very negative since Mr Epstein passed away,' Paul reflected, probably to director Michael Lindsay-Hogg, unaware that he was being recorded. 'We probably do need a central daddy figure to say, 'Come on. It's nine o'clock. Leave the girls at home.' '

But John wasn't going to leave his new girl at home. So, Paul was walking on eggshells, acutely aware of what might happen if he, or the others, complained too loudly.

'There are only two things to do,' we hear him reasoning. 'One is to fight and to get The Beatles back to being four people without Yoko, and to ask her to sit down at board meetings. The other is just to accept that she's there, because there is no way that John is going to split with Yoko for our sakes. He's going overboard. He always goes overboard.

'If it came to the push between Yoko and The Beatles it would be John for Yoko. John would just say to us: 'Okay. I'll see you then.' And we're not wanting that to happen.'"

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