quinta-feira, 23 de março de 2017

2017-03-23: Chuck Berry e JL

A história de Chuck Berry, um condenado que tocava sem afinar em todo o lado viajando com a sua guitarra, a sua arma no seu Cadillac com sacos de 💰... E a partida que pregou a JL na TV:


"He drove himself from show to show in his Cadillac, carrying with him only his guitar, some clothes and a gun, demanding brown paper bags full of cash from terrified promoters and fronting pick-up bands made of local musicians without even bothering to tune his guitar. He played anywhere from state fairs and small town theaters to the Tonight Show and Mike Douglas Show, where I–and so many second generation fans–first saw him performing with John Lennon and found myself in thrall of his remarkable magnetism.

But like seemingly everything in Berry's life, there was a colorful story attached to the 1972 Mike Douglas appearance. Backstage before the show, Berry had pressed Lennon for unpaid royalties he felt due as a result of The Beatles' recordings of his songs. Then, after convincing Lennon to take the solo on "Johnny B. Goode," he proceeded to change they key just as they went on the air, resulting in a ramshackle performance, and a moment of embarrassment Lennon never forgot, that still tore the roof off of Douglas's Philadelphia studio."

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