domingo, 2 de abril de 2017

2017-04-02: A evolução de SFF

A evolução de SFFE é alvo de polémica (ninguém sabe muito bem de que takes veio a versão final, apesar de fontes como o Lewhison tentarem dar a "receita") mas pode ouvir-se a evolução da música desde a versão unplugged (na Anthology) até à versão final (link com vídeos no YouTube):

"This was a version approaching proto-metal. Lennon couldn't decide if he wanted to go the ethereal route, or the stomping one, and famously told George Martin to combine the two versions. This was less than practical.

"Well, there are two things against it," Martin informed Lennon. "One is that they're in different keys. The other is that they're in different tempos."

But for a man who had started his most personal, honest musical journey, within the parameters of a single song, back in Spain, this was merely part of the process.

"You can fix it, George," Lennon concluded, and that was that, with Martin now tasked with finding a solution to a problem that seemingly violated the laws of musical physics."

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