quarta-feira, 25 de julho de 2018

2018-07: Paul McCartney e a passadeira de Abbey Road


"Quase 50 anos após o lançamento de "Abbey Road", dos Beatles, Paul McCartney voltou a atravessar a estrada onde foi tirada a fotografia que deu origem à icónica capa do disco.

O músico estava a caminho dos estúdios Abbey Road, onde deu um concerto especial para alguns convidados, tendo a sua filha, Mary, filmado a ocasião."

terça-feira, 24 de julho de 2018

2018-04-14: Beatles e a Economia

Beatles and the impact in the economy?

2018-07: Join Paul for a Facebook Live Q & A | PaulMcCartney.com

Join Paul for a Facebook Live Q & A | PaulMcCartney.com


"Paul will be returning to his old school in Liverpool, now LIPA (The Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts), on Wednesday 25th July for an intimate hour long Q & A and conversation session with LIPA students. The event will be streamed live on Facebook allowing fans from all over the world to tune in and watch Paul talk about his career and his forthcoming new album Egypt Station which will be released on September 7.

For those watching the event on Facebook they too have the opportunity to join in. Paul would like to ask fans from around the world to submit questions to his Facebook page in advance. A select few will be chosen to be answered as part of the event. Please click HERE if you have a question you would like to ask Paul.

LIPA was co-founded by Paul in 1996 and he remains their Lead Patron."

sábado, 21 de julho de 2018

2018-07: Julian Lennon, o pai e um livro

Baseado numa premonição do pai (in PT):

"O próprio Julian Lennon remete para o pai a razão de ter escrito este livro para crianças tantos anos depois da sua morte. Conta que num dos raros encontros entre ambos - Julian é filho de Chyntia, a primeira mulher do músico - o pai lhe dissera que "quando falecesse haveria uma forma de demonstrar que ia ficar bem e que todos íamos ficar bem". Segundo Julian, o pai enviar-lhe-ia uma mensagem sob a forma de uma pena branca e foi o que aconteceu anos depois: "Durante uma viagem pela Austrália [a promover um seu disco], recebi das mãos de uma anciã aborígene, do povo Mirning, que procurava ajuda para a sua tribo, uma pena branca. Fiquei sem fôlego.""

O livro:
"Uma parte das receitas da venda deste livro destinam-se à fundação de Julian Lennon, sobre quem Bono, o vocalista dos U2, já disse ser um admirador porque "as suas melodias têm um certo encanto infantil".

Vamos Ajudar a Terra

De Julian Lennon, com Bart Davis e ilustrações de Smiljana Coh"

quinta-feira, 12 de julho de 2018

2018-07: Drake bate recorde dos Beatles


"A lista da Billboard reúne as canções mais ouvidas da semana nos Estados Unidos, por popularidade, compilando dados de vendas e transmissões. Em abril de 1964, os Beatles ocupavam os cinco primeiros lugares do top com os temas Can't Buy Me Love, Twist and Shout, She Loves You, I Want to Hold Your Hand e Please Please Me.

Mas Drake tem agora sete temas no Top 10 o que é um recorde. O cantor conta agora com 31 êxitos no Top 10, ficando empatado com Rihanna, no terceiro lugar, sendo que à sua frente se encontram os Beatles com 34 êxitos e Madonna com 38."

quarta-feira, 11 de julho de 2018

2018-07: 10 melhores álbuns a solo


"After the break-up in 1970 each of the four men struggled to shake off the Beatles, to show that they were more than the band and prove to themselves and naysayers that they could do it on their own. This pressure actually proved fruitful in the early 1970s and explains why most of the albums on this list are from that time period. From endearing pop to bitter vitriol, from themes of tearing down false idols to just trying to put out enjoyable music, these 10 albums not only give us a better idea of their individual contributions to the Beatles but they also help provide insight into their state of mind. It wasn’t until one of these post-Beatles efforts that you could actually understand George’s disillusionment, John’s anger, Paul’s ambition, and Ringo’s desire to collaborate with those who take his contributions seriously. Fanatics will refuse to believe it but some of these albums sit up there with the best Beatles albums. Don’t believe me? Read on and then go listen for yourselves."

sexta-feira, 6 de julho de 2018

2018-07: Paul McCartney e o copyright na UE


"The revamp is based on a proposal by the European Commission to take into account the growing role of online platforms. A key committee at the European Parliament subsequently added more muscle to the proposal to give more power to Europe's creative industries.

However, lawmakers on Thursday voted against opening talks with EU countries based on the committee's recommendation. Parliament will now have to revise the proposal for a vote in September before starting talks with EU countries that have already adopted their own position.

McCartney had written an letter to MEPs urging them to take action.

He said: “Music and culture matter. They are our heart and soul.

“The proposed copyright directive will help assure a sustainable future for the music ecosystem and its creators, fans and digital music services alike.”"