Matemática, dizem os autores do artigo, diz que foi Lennon que escreveu o In My Life:
"Mathematics professor Jason Brown spent 10 years working with statistics to solve the magical mystery. Brown's the findings were presented on Aug. 1 at the Joint Statistical Meeting in a presentation called "Assessing Authorship of Beatles Songs from Musical Content: Bayesian Classification Modeling from Bags-Of-Words Representations."
Stanford University mathematician Keith Devlin breaks down how Brown figured it out. Read Devlin's edited conversation with NPR's Scott Simon below and listen at the audio link."
""Bags of words"? What are they?
It actually goes back to the 1950s. It's used by the computer scientists who created spam filters. What you do is you take a piece of text, and you ignore the grammar, you ignore the word order, and you just regard it as a collection of words. And once you've done that, you can count the frequencies of the different words in the bag of words. To do it for music, you had to get little snippets, and the way they did that was the team analyzed, I think, about 70 songs from Lennon and McCartney, and they found there were 149 very distinct transitions between notes and chords that are present in almost all Beatles songs. And those transitions will be unique to one person or the other person."
Another source is:
Updated: second source.