Is it normal that a band that ended on 1970 still gets radio airplay and frequent references in the social media almost every day here in Europe? This is a very personal and somewhat infomal logbook of some of these references to The Beatles as a proof of their everlasting relevance and continuing influence over the years. As if they needed. Also includes highlights of promotions and some additional info on the band. Mainly in Portuguese (sorry guys).
terça-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2020
1974-12: A dissolução dos Beatles assinada pelos 4...
sexta-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2020
2020-12: Paul McCartney presents McCartney III (Spotify)
terça-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2020
Every Beatles Song in...
segunda-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2020
2020-12: Entrevista de Paul McCartney...
2021-08: Sneak Peak of Get Back?
2020-12: Why is Strawberry Fields Forever in A half-sharp major? (YouTube)
domingo, 20 de dezembro de 2020
1958: Buddy Holly (NBH)
2020-12: Xmas Song from Ringo Starr...
1966-12: ITN individual interviews...
sábado, 19 de dezembro de 2020
1958: Buddy Holly - That'll be the Day
sexta-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2020
2020-12-18: Top songs and top album...
quinta-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2020
2020-12: McCartney III no YouTube Originals
2020-12: PM promotes McCartney III
quarta-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2020
2020-12: Documentário de Paul McCartney com Rick Rubin?
2020-12: John Lennon 80 - A Worldwide Virtual Celebration - YouTube
terça-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2020
2020-12: Edição dos Discos de Natal dos Beatles...
1970: Interviews (The Beatles - Discuss Abbey Road, Let It Be, and the Future of The Beatles)
segunda-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2020
1976-11: GH and Paul Simon on...
domingo, 13 de dezembro de 2020
2009-12: Paul McCartney aparece no programa X-Factor no Reino Unido
sexta-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2020
2020-11: Como George Harrison salvou o cinema Inglês?

The Beatle loved Monty Python so much, he set up HandMade Films to make Life of Brian – and rehabilitated the UK movie industry. But the studio’s fun couldn’t last"
quarta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2020
2020-12: E Paul McCartney recorda John...
segunda-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2020
2020-12: Ringo pede Strawberry Fields por John...
segunda-feira, 30 de novembro de 2020
2020-22: O mundo maravilhoso das pistas isoladas...
2020-11: Greg Bisonete talks Ringo
quinta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2020
1970-11: My Sweet Lord editado...
sexta-feira, 13 de novembro de 2020
2020-11: Paul McCartney (e Taylor Swift) capa da...
terça-feira, 10 de novembro de 2020
2020-11: Paul McCartney capa da Uncut
segunda-feira, 9 de novembro de 2020
1961-11: Brian Epstein sees the Beatles live...
2020-11: Imagine cantado em Nova Iorque com vitória de Biden
sexta-feira, 6 de novembro de 2020
2020-11: We all stand together reissued today (Nov. 6)...
terça-feira, 3 de novembro de 2020
1963-11: O comentário de Lennon e das jóias...
terça-feira, 27 de outubro de 2020
1989: The Blackbird version of...
domingo, 25 de outubro de 2020
1969: Isolated tracks from Abbey Road
1969: The Golden Slumbers rip-off from Paul McCartney...
2020-10: Outra entrevista de Paul McCartney
sábado, 24 de outubro de 2020
2020-10: Entrevista de Sean Lennon a Paul McCartney...
quarta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2020
2020-12: Dia 11, McCartney III...
terça-feira, 13 de outubro de 2020
2020-09: Assassino de John Lennon pede desculpa a Yoko Ono
"Assassinei-o apenas porque ele era muito famoso. Foi um acto desprezível”. Foi assim, em síntese, que Mark Chapman se referiu, no passado mês de Agosto, ao gesto com que há quase 40 anos, no dia 8 de Dezembro de 1980, matou John Lennon (1940-1980) atingindo-o com quatro tiros à queima-roupa à saída do seu apartamento em Manhattan."
sexta-feira, 9 de outubro de 2020
1966: Oliver Nelson covers Yesterday (Jazz)
terça-feira, 6 de outubro de 2020
1968-06: John Lennon and the insane people
segunda-feira, 5 de outubro de 2020
1969: Hendrix invited Paul McCartney to play...
1981-01: A versão de Phil Collins do TKN
2020-10: Yes e a versão de Imagine?
O que acham? É tão má como a versão de America dos S&G que fizeram ainda nos anos 60? *Má = "Diferente"...
Mais má língua passa por dizer que o Alan White já não toca bateria hoje em dia. Infelizmente. Só "toca"... Com um baterista ao lado. Os bateristas resistem mal ao tempo, e não podem cantar como o Phil Collins sentado. Instrumentos fisicamente exigentes.
1963: Ready, Steady, Go! (vídeo)
domingo, 4 de outubro de 2020
2020-11: Paul McCartney reissue of We All Stand Together?
He wrote and produced the 13-minute movie, which was directed by Geoff Dunbar, and accompanied the original release with the single “We All Stand Together,” which reached No. 3 in the U.K. chart.
“I’ve always loved animation,” McCartney said in a statement. “It started with the Disney cartoons and went on from there. As a kid I would always get the Rupert Annual at Christmas. I remember getting the idea for a film project when looking through one of them. There was a standout image in color, and when I saw it I could imagine a concert of frogs with them all doing different parts, a choir and an orchestra, and I could almost hear the music.
sábado, 3 de outubro de 2020
2020-10: Beatles 101 (Book)
THE BEATLES 101 is a brand new glimpse into the lives of the fab four featured in an exciting new way of learning all about the band's exploits, songwriting habits, and indeed how they behaved off stage as well. To give Beatlemaniacs the truth behind the legendary quartet, author Vikki Reilly spoke exclusively to to chat about her new book, and the world's favourite band."
sexta-feira, 2 de outubro de 2020
1964-10: A Cellarful of Noise (Book)
sexta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2020
1965-09: Sobre os desenhos animados dos Beatles...
quarta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2020
2020-09: John Lennon at 80...
terça-feira, 22 de setembro de 2020
2009-09: Beatles albums remastered...
segunda-feira, 21 de setembro de 2020
1965: Paul McCartney and the NASA Mercury space suit photos?
domingo, 20 de setembro de 2020
1969-09: Entrevista de Paul McCartney...
sexta-feira, 18 de setembro de 2020
2020-09: O livro do Beatles novo
The Beatles: Get Back will tell the story of the final Beatles album, Let It Be, drawn from over 120 hours of transcribed conversations from the band’s studio sessions. It will accompany Peter Jackson’s feature documentary of the same name, also set for release that month.
The book documents January 1969, with friction building in the band as they recorded music for an intended TV special – George Harrison walked out of the sessions at one point and John Lennon described them as “hell”. The music they made, though, would be among the most poignant in their catalogue, and the sessions built towards the group’s final live performance, on top of the Apple Corps building in London on 30 January 1969.
The songs they recorded were later mixed (including with controversial input from Phil Spector) and eventually released in May 1970 as Let It Be, instead of the original title Get Back. It followed the recording and release of Abbey Road in September 1969, and was released a month after Paul McCartney’s departure precipitated the band’s split."
2010-01: Os Beatles mas ao contrário (Billy Preston reeditado)
quarta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2020
2020-09: The Beatles, by heart - Gerald Dawe's Book on Beatles
The Beatles, by heart - an extract from Gerald Dawe's new memoir:
quarta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2020
2020-09: The Paul McCartney Project
- Timeline
A year-by-year navigation through the music of Paul McCartney, from the Quarry Men to the Beatles, from Wings to his solo career.
- 1262 albums
Discover the music of Paul McCartney by browsing official albums and bootlegs, studio and live recordings.
- 1436 songs
Discover all the songs written or played by Paul McCartney.
- Artists
Discover the artists who have influenced or collaborated with Paul McCartney in his 50+ years long career.
- 2456 concerts
Discover all the tours and concerts played by Paul.
- Sessions
Discover how songs have been created in the studio through the recording sessions.
- Interviews
A selection of interviews by Paul McCartney, or about Paul."
terça-feira, 1 de setembro de 2020
1969: My Dark Hour by Steve Miller
domingo, 30 de agosto de 2020
2020-08: The 100 greatest UK singles
sábado, 29 de agosto de 2020
2020-08: Recusada liberdade condicional
quinta-feira, 20 de agosto de 2020
2000-08: Liverpool sound collage?
quarta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2020
1988: Entrevista de George e Ringo
quinta-feira, 13 de agosto de 2020
2020-08: O estúdio de George Martin...
quarta-feira, 12 de agosto de 2020
1967-12: Sgt. Pepper's por Jimi?
domingo, 9 de agosto de 2020
1969: A bateria isolada de Ringo
sexta-feira, 7 de agosto de 2020
Carl Perkins and influences in Beatles?
quarta-feira, 5 de agosto de 2020
Nuno Bettencourt on Paul McCartney
sábado, 27 de junho de 2020
2017: Version of ADITL by Jeff Beck?
quinta-feira, 25 de junho de 2020
1967-06-25: BBC live world broadcast
quarta-feira, 24 de junho de 2020
2020-06: Blackbird e a foto 10
terça-feira, 23 de junho de 2020
2020-06: Cover do Abbey Road em 1970?
‘McLemore Avenue’: Booker T And The MGs Take The Beatles To Stax

2020-06: As melhores versões?
segunda-feira, 22 de junho de 2020
2015: A for Apple book?
2013-07: IBT article on Frank Sinatra and Beatles collaboration?
As the story goes, in the summer of 1968, as the Beatles were recording what would become their magnum opus, "The White Album," Ringo wanted to surprise his wife, Maureen (a huge Sinatra fan), with a special gift for her 22nd birthday.
Through the efforts of Peter Brown, the Beatles’ business manager at the time, Ringo reached out to Sinatra in California and asked him to make a recording for his wife. However, a book called "Magical Mystery Tours" claimed that it was actually another Beatles assistant, Ron Kass, who asked American songwriter Sammy Kahn to recruit Sinatra for the project.
Either way, Sinatra was obviously touched by this request, so he had Cahn rework the lyrics to the classic song “The Lady Is A Tramp” and recorded the new personalized version specially for Maureen at Capitol Studios in Los Angeles."
2020-06: APPLE1 record single copy?
domingo, 21 de junho de 2020
1982-06: Take it Away...
sexta-feira, 19 de junho de 2020
2020-06: We Can Work it Out (vídeo)
segunda-feira, 15 de junho de 2020
2020-06: Assassino de Lennon tenta saída precária...
sábado, 13 de junho de 2020
1968: Blackbird em Abbey Road?
"Paul McCartney recording ‘Blackbird’ at Abbey Road Studios, June 11 1968
He recounts writing this powerful song as a response to racial tensions escalating in the United States during the spring of 1968. “I was in Scotland playing on my guitar, and I remembered this whole idea of "you were only waiting for this moment to arise" was about, you know, the black people's struggle in the southern states, and I was using the symbolism of a blackbird. It's not really about a blackbird whose wings are broken, you know, it's a bit more symbolic."
domingo, 7 de junho de 2020
2004-03: Prince e o solo memorável de WMGGW?
Vídeo aqui:
Actualizado 2020-06-13, link para a homenagem no YT.
sábado, 6 de junho de 2020
1972: A entrevista de Paul Simon e John Lennon...
1964-06: A photo of the replacement drummer...
sexta-feira, 5 de junho de 2020
2020-06: Paul McCartney, 1964 and George Floyd?
domingo, 31 de maio de 2020
2020-05: Beatles na capa da Uncut em 2020
sábado, 30 de maio de 2020
1964: Joan Baez e John Lennon na cama?
quarta-feira, 27 de maio de 2020
1966-05: Dylan e Lennon em filme?
sexta-feira, 22 de maio de 2020
1968-05-15: Quando os Beatles iam ao Tonight Show...
domingo, 17 de maio de 2020
1967-05-17: Início da gravação do "You Know My Name"...
terça-feira, 12 de maio de 2020
1970-05-13: Let it be, premieres
2020-05: Kraftwerk and the Beatles...
But take a look at the pop music world in 2017. Take a good look. You will find that The Beatles are no longer the most influential pop band in the Western world.
Kraftwerk are."
sábado, 9 de maio de 2020
2020-05: Morre little Richard...
sexta-feira, 8 de maio de 2020
2020-05: A foto da capa do álbum Get Back...
They regrouped on May 13, four days after they thought they'd completed mixing of the record, and got the picture they wanted. "Ringo Starr was so late that the staff of EMI was streaming down the stairs," McBean noted. "I got the camera fixed up, and John, fascinated by photography, came and lay down beside me to look at my viewfinder. I can still hear the screams of the EMI girls as the realized who they were stepping over to get out the door!""
sexta-feira, 24 de abril de 2020
2020-04: Temporary Secretary? McCartney II visto pelo NME
2020-04: Os Beatles são melhores que os Stones...
“[The Stones] are rooted in the blues. When they are writing stuff, it has to do with the blues. We had a little more influences,” McCartney said. “There’s a lot of differences, and I love the Stones, but I’m with you. The Beatles were better.”
Now, in an interview with Zane Lowe on Apple Music, Jagger was asked what he made of the comments. You can watch a clip below, with the full interview available at 5pm BST tonight (April 24)."
quarta-feira, 22 de abril de 2020
segunda-feira, 20 de abril de 2020
2020-04-18: Paul McCartney em One World...
quarta-feira, 15 de abril de 2020
1971-04-15: Beatles ganham 1 Óscar!
terça-feira, 14 de abril de 2020
2014-10: Fotos da capa do Abbey Road leiloadas
It was the fifth of the six shots that was chosen by McCartney for the album and it’s easy to see why as all four men are in step and nicely spaced." (...)
Almost everything about the Abbey Road shoot has become famous, including the three decorators in the background and the white VW Beetle, which has ended up in the Volkswagen museum in Wolfsburg, Germany."
2020-04: George Michael e o piano de Imagine?
segunda-feira, 13 de abril de 2020
1969-04-14: Gravação de The Ballad of John and Yoko...
1965-04-13: Paul McCartney compra casa em Londres
sexta-feira, 10 de abril de 2020
1970-04-10: 50 anos da separação dos Beatles
terça-feira, 7 de abril de 2020
2020: Ravi Shankar would be 100 today (100 anos de RS)
segunda-feira, 6 de abril de 2020
1966: Pintura pelos 4 Beatles?
1966: Rough draft of Revolver's cover (Estudo da capa)
sábado, 4 de abril de 2020
RHCP in Pepper's mood?
sexta-feira, 27 de março de 2020
1964-03-28: Estreiam os Beatles no Museu de Cera...
quarta-feira, 25 de março de 2020
1969: Serviço público por John Lennon...
terça-feira, 24 de março de 2020
1968-03-26: PM Volta da Índia
sexta-feira, 20 de março de 2020
2020-01: Paul não ouve os Beatles
TBD: While my Guitar Gently Weeps and a super band
quinta-feira, 19 de março de 2020
1969-03-19: John Lennon na capa da Look Magazine
sábado, 14 de março de 2020
1970: Isolation
2020-03:O novo documentário de Peter Jackson...
1970: O significado de Wah-wah
1995: David Bowie sobre John Lennon...
“I asked him what he thought of what I was doing, glam rock, and he said, ‘Yeah, it’s great, but it’s just rock and roll with lipstick on.’
“I was impressed as I was with virtually everything he said.”
This is clearly an example of Lennon’s “spiteful” sense of humour, which Bowie went on to praise."
quarta-feira, 11 de março de 2020
2020-03: Documentário sobre os Beatles de Peter Jackson
2020-03: Beatles não interessados no último hit de Harrison...
sexta-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2020
2020-02: Fun Dept. com Beatle Lennon?
quarta-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2020
2020-92: Phil elevado a monumento de categoria 1...
Situado de frente para a sala de concertos filarmónicos de Liverpool, distingue-se pela sua exuberante fachada de pedra talhada e pelo seu interior profusamente decorado.
Uma vez, John Lennon reclamou que a pior consequência da fama dos Beatles era "já não poder ir beber uma cerveja ao Phil".
Numa viagem em 2018 à cidade onde surgiu o grupo, Paul McCartney surpreendeu os clientes do local com uma atuação improvisada."
segunda-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2020
2020-02: Yesterday dos Beatles nos Óscares?
sábado, 8 de fevereiro de 2020
2020-02: A bateria de Carl Palmer (ELP)
quarta-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2020
2020-02: Julian Lennon e problemas de saúde
domingo, 26 de janeiro de 2020
2020-01: Publicado novo livro sobre os Beatles
"O jornalista Luís Pinheiro de Almeida acaba de publicar mais um livro sobre os Beatles.
Uma coleção de cartas com o amigo Jó, bilhetes, recortes, e muitas histórias sobre a banda."
sexta-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2020
2020-01: Alex Skolnik talking of Terry Jones...
... and George Harrison:
Alex plays for none less than Testament.
quinta-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2020
2020-01: Filha de Michael Jackson e "avariações"?
"Paris Jackson, the daughter of late and controversial ‘King of Pop’ Michael Jackson took to social media via Instagram to reveal that she has a new ‘bf’ [boyfriend], that being – late the Beatles member, John Lennon. Jackson revealed this shocking and stunning revelation in the following post, that you can view below. I wonder what Yoko Ono would think! Paris would also post this other John Lennon picture with the following caption: “Love is the flower you’ve got to let grow.” That picture also can be seen below. John Lennon ‘offensive’ photos with this older woman leak."
quarta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2020
2020-01: Morre Terry Jones
Há pessoas importantes na nossa vida. Os (bons) pais, os amigos, as amigas... E depois há estes. Monty Python, está numa mesma categoria dos Beatles para mim. Já ouvi todas as músicas dos Beatles com os miúdos no carro. Já vi toda a série dos Monty Python com eles duma ponta à outra também. E de facto alguns Beatles conheciam-nos: George Harrison penhorou a sua casa para financiar um filme dos Python. Ringo Starr apareceu num dos episódios da série. George Harrison apareceu num filme do "quinto Beatle" (mas dos Python) Neil Innes, também recentemente desaparecido, e que parodiava precisamente os Beatles. Sad.
R.I.P. Terry Jones dos Monty Python.
terça-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2020
1980-11: The last photo of John and Starr
segunda-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2020
2020-01: As meias dos Beatles
"A emblemática banda The Beatles é celebrada com as meias mais musicais de sempre, cortesia da Happy Socks. "São 3 os packs dedicados aos Beatles e todos eles traduzem o lado mais rock and roll de qualquer personalidade", afirma a marca em comunicado."
sexta-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2020
1969: Paul McCartney de férias
... em Portugal: