Is it normal that a band that ended on 1970 still gets radio airplay and frequent references in the social media almost every day here in Europe? This is a very personal and somewhat infomal logbook of some of these references to The Beatles as a proof of their everlasting relevance and continuing influence over the years. As if they needed. Also includes highlights of promotions and some additional info on the band. Mainly in Portuguese (sorry guys).
sexta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2020
1965-09: Sobre os desenhos animados dos Beatles...
quarta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2020
2020-09: John Lennon at 80...
terça-feira, 22 de setembro de 2020
2009-09: Beatles albums remastered...
segunda-feira, 21 de setembro de 2020
1965: Paul McCartney and the NASA Mercury space suit photos?
domingo, 20 de setembro de 2020
1969-09: Entrevista de Paul McCartney...
sexta-feira, 18 de setembro de 2020
2020-09: O livro do Beatles novo
The Beatles: Get Back will tell the story of the final Beatles album, Let It Be, drawn from over 120 hours of transcribed conversations from the band’s studio sessions. It will accompany Peter Jackson’s feature documentary of the same name, also set for release that month.
The book documents January 1969, with friction building in the band as they recorded music for an intended TV special – George Harrison walked out of the sessions at one point and John Lennon described them as “hell”. The music they made, though, would be among the most poignant in their catalogue, and the sessions built towards the group’s final live performance, on top of the Apple Corps building in London on 30 January 1969.
The songs they recorded were later mixed (including with controversial input from Phil Spector) and eventually released in May 1970 as Let It Be, instead of the original title Get Back. It followed the recording and release of Abbey Road in September 1969, and was released a month after Paul McCartney’s departure precipitated the band’s split."
2010-01: Os Beatles mas ao contrário (Billy Preston reeditado)
quarta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2020
2020-09: The Beatles, by heart - Gerald Dawe's Book on Beatles
The Beatles, by heart - an extract from Gerald Dawe's new memoir:
quarta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2020
2020-09: The Paul McCartney Project
- Timeline
A year-by-year navigation through the music of Paul McCartney, from the Quarry Men to the Beatles, from Wings to his solo career.
- 1262 albums
Discover the music of Paul McCartney by browsing official albums and bootlegs, studio and live recordings.
- 1436 songs
Discover all the songs written or played by Paul McCartney.
- Artists
Discover the artists who have influenced or collaborated with Paul McCartney in his 50+ years long career.
- 2456 concerts
Discover all the tours and concerts played by Paul.
- Sessions
Discover how songs have been created in the studio through the recording sessions.
- Interviews
A selection of interviews by Paul McCartney, or about Paul."