sexta-feira, 12 de maio de 2017

2017-05-12: Filmagens durante o filme Help! aparecem

... nos arquivos de um dos autores (já falecido):

"Unseen footage of the Beatles larking around as they filmed a movie in the Austrian Alps has emerged after being stored in a garage for more than 50 years.

The footage, entitled Snow Scenes, was taken by the late actor Leo McKern, best known as Rumpole of the Bailey on ITV between 1978-92.

In 1965, McKern was in the Richard Lester-directed film Help! along with the Beatles, playing a cult supervillain called Clang who is after the ring on Ringo’s finger.

A keen amateur photographer and filmmaker, McKern caught the Beatles relaxed and off guard as they prepared to film scenes in the ski resort of Obertauern.

“It is unseen footage of people who were, at that time, the most famous people on earth,” said the actor Neil Pearson, who is also a rare books dealer. “It is footage of golden age Beatles, fooling around between takes, waiting for something to happen ... I know that feeling.”"

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