domingo, 16 de dezembro de 2018

2018-12: Gravações áudio de diário de Yoko Ono

... apareceram no YouTube (apesar de haver quem questione a sua autenticidade):

No YouTube:


The audio was discovered by cultural historian Simon Wells who has, throughout his career, dedicated his time to writing multiple books on The Beatles, cult films, Charles Manson, The Stones and more. 

Having uploaded the audio to YouTube, Wells noted: “During the early days of her relationship with John Lennon, Yoko Ono would dictate her thoughts on life with Lennon into her own personal recorder – presumably to be given to John later.

“This, often personal, tape was made during the overdub session for ‘Revolution 1’ at EMI Studio number 3 on 4th June 1968. Parts of Yoko’s tape would be later used in the sound collage ‘Revolution 9’.”"

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