domingo, 5 de setembro de 2021

2021-09: Iron Maiden's drummer and...

... Ringo Starr!

"IRON MAIDEN drummer Nicko McBrain was the featured guest on BBC's "The Rock Show With Johnnie Walker" during the "Rock God" segment. Nicko picked THE BEATLESRingo Starr and stated about his choice: "I've chosen Ringo because he was the very first drummer that really influenced me in my genre of music. I started off listening to Dave Brubeck when I heard Joe Morello playing, but Ringo was my first hero. In fact, when I was 12 years old — in fact, I was 11 — I had a poster of Ringo in my bedroom. He was looking over the left side of his drum set over his hi-hats, and I every night would go to sleep thinking, 'That is the man. That is the guy I wanna be like.' And he really did kick off my drumming career. One other thing is I got to meet him three years ago when he played down here in Fort Lauderdale — the first time after all of those years that I got to meet my hero.""

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