quarta-feira, 1 de junho de 2022

1962: Pete Best exit on John Lennon's word


"Epstein broke the news as delicately as possible, and that was that. Best performed two final shows with The Beatles in the Cavern Club before being replaced by Ringo Starr. Years later, Lennon did his best to explain how things had turned so sour. “By then we were pretty sick of Pete Best too because he was a lousy drummer, you know? He never improved and there was always this myth being built up over the years that he was great and Paul was jealous of him because he was pretty and all that crap. The only reason he got in the group in the first place was because the only way we could get to Hamberg was he had to have a drummer. We knew of this guy. He was living in his mother’s house that had a club in it, and he had a drum kit so we dragged him, auditioned him, and he could keep one beat going for long enough so we took him to Germany."

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